
  1. Log into ATO portal
  2. go to 
    3. expand the SEARCH button at the top right hand corner
    5. select CHOOSE TIME PERIOD, select the dates 30 days or whatever date from the previous communication history.
    6. ensure only AGENT DIGITAL is ticked only. the rest you can untick.
    7. then click the BIG SEARCH button

  3. Download the CSV, and save the file here Office sharepoint\ADMIN\LIST\ATO correspondence
  4. Open the csv file and save the file again as XLSX format (excel format)
  5. rename the excel/sheet as the dates of the communication history
  6. in the first row (row 1) put the to and from date


  1. insert a column called 
    2. TT Y/N to attend
    3. notes

  2. add filters to subject, 
    1. tick only 
      1. Income tax - Individual - Tax receipt
      2. Notice of assessment

    2. boarder the ones that are adjacent together
      1. put a 0 or a . in the INCOME TAX-INDIVIDUAL TAX RECEIPT COLUMN for the two that are adjacent to each other grouped. Like below.

      2. The ones that only have NOA and no tax receipt adjacent, DO NOT put a 0/. in the tax receipt column. We will sort them out later.

    3. in the TT Y/N to attend column
      1. Y is for the ones that say Notice of assessment - Individual or Trust - Payment due
      2. N is for Notice of assessment - Individual or Trust - EFT refund / Payment due

  3. Select all in the subject filters again, 
    1. filter the INCOME TAX - TAX  RECEIPT COLUMN by choosing blanks only,
    2. filter the subject with following texts/words below, and put NN in the (TT Y/N) column (note the list below is the exact full subject):
      1. Income tax - Individual - Tax receipt 
      2. New PAYG instalment - Individual / Consolidated group member 
      3. New PAYG instalment - Introduction 
      4. Statement of account - Possible refund 
      5. We are holding your refund

  4. Select all in the subject filter again,
    1. filter the TT Y/N to attend column and choose BLANKS
    2. filter the subject with the following KEY texts/wordsand put YY in the (TT Y/N) column:
      1. debt
      2. payment slip
      3. paymnt (yes its missing an E)
      4. penalties
      5. subjects like this:
        1. Business Tax Debts Disclosed to CRBs 
        2. Confirming your payment plan
        3. Debt - additional paymnt overdue
        4. Debt - additional paymnt overdue multi account 
        5. Debt - Overdue reminder 
        6. Debt - Warning notification 
        7. Lodgment-Overdue-Avoid further action and penalties 
        8. Notice of assessment - Individual or Trust - Payment due
        9. Notification of a mistake in your income tax return
        10. Statement of account - Payment slip
        11. Superannuation - Excess concessional contributions - Determination advice
        12. Warning: additional paymnt overdue

  5. Now select all/clear all filters. Go to the TT Y/N to attend column and select the blanks.
    1. You will find there are some NOA here that didn't have a tax receipt adjacent to it. Just quickly look up their NOA attachment on TAP. 
      1. If its a refund or 0 result, you can put an N in TT Y/N column and just write a note in the note column
      2. If its an amendment just put a Y or blank in TT Y/N column for TT to decide

  6. Give TT to review the list and ensure she attends the blank in the TT y/n attend column 


YES attendNO do not attendtricky to determine y/n
Business Tax Debts Disclosed to CRBsIncome tax - Individual - Tax receiptNotice of assessment - Individual or Trust - EFT refund / Payment due
Confirming your payment planNew PAYG instalment - Individual / Consolidated group member
Debt - additional paymnt overdueNew PAYG instalment - Introduction
Debt - additional paymnt overdue multi accountStatement of account - Possible refund
Debt - Overdue reminderWe are holding your refund
Debt - Warning notification

Lodgment-Overdue-Avoid further action and penalties

Notice of assessment - Individual or Trust - Payment due

Notification of a mistake in your income tax return

Statement of account - Payment slip

Superannuation - Excess concessional contributions - Determination advice

Warning: additional paymnt overdue