Due to new ATO cyber security regulations, we need your nomination before going adding you into our system.
Please follow the link below Client-to-agent linking steps - qc71015 

We also summarise the step below for you: 
  1. Before you start, you must have principal authority position your business listed on the ABR - if unsure, check with Teresa.
  2. Have mygovID setup on your smartphone, with strong identity - see more info here 
  3. With your MygovID, open RAM on your computer (it will send passcode to your mygovID app on your smart phone) and link your ABN to your mygovID
  4. select Profile > Agent details > at the Agent nominations feature, select Add
    1. on the Nominate agent screen, go to Search for agent
    2. type our agent registered agent number: 2524 5906  and select Search
    3. Select the agent: Teresa Tran & Associates 
    4. check that the agent's details are correct & complete the Declaration
    5. select Submit.
  5. call us or email us to inform that you've done the steps above.