GST branch number - SHEN, Wei dapto car wash problem

  • problem happened again for 
  • staff tried to do STP finalisation - it didn't work. The reason was due to stp phase 2 setting not configured. 
  • But senior staff wrongly said it was because branch number was wrong. Staff changed it to 002. 
    • Then staff set up stp phase 2 with the 002 branch number
    • Reckon stepped in and told us to fix the branch number back to 001. 
  • by changing branch number
    • new gov connect created
    • new software ID created + configure settings
    • duplicate prefill data (see wubin below)

Dont change here

Prompt to change to new Reckon platform and STP phase 2 - MBP, Q&V Bakery problem

this one below happened to MBP and Q&V bakery where when you open the file, it prompted user to update to the new Reckon platform and stp 2.

To correct this

  • check the duplicate gov connect if anything has been lodged. You want to have the duplicate gov connect NIL
  • once its nil, contact Reckon support Reckon Support (include your book id) and then tell them to delete the duplicate

  • chris had to change the branch number back to 001 - keep it as the original input at the start

H ly t ly - rosie

make sure you put in 001. Don't leave it blank

Myra gupta Employee number problem

staff had fiddled with the employee number section to something other than 01 during the payruns (changed it to employee initials). 

Don't do that. it will do similar problems like the wubin issue.

note everytime you add an employee, reckon forces you to add an employee number 01 02 03 04 05

keep it as the original number it was input in at the start