What portfolio did client invest in, and were their distributions?

When tax statement is done

based on the history, its around 30 July the email is sent and prefill is shown.

Spaceship sent email to client with the tax statement

This is emailed to your email address (which is the same as your username for spaceship).

Go to your emails and search for attachments from:

Note xx denotes the financial year. e.g. 2024 = 24

In 2021FY, Spaceship started sending two emails: 

  • FYxx Tax statement - this is the one you want
  • FYxx annual statement - this doesn't help for tax time. 

The spaceship online account does not appear to have the tax statement available for users to download. The tax statement can only be retrieved by locating the email.

2024FY tax statement email example:

The email looks like this:

From: Spaceship <>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2024 at 8:03 PM
Subject: FY24 tax statement
To: [your email]

Hi <name>
Please find attached your Spaceship Origin Portfolio (Fund) tax statement for the period of 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 (FY24).
You'll need this statement to complete your Australian income tax return, as it outlines the distribution you've received as an investor in the Fund.
You will also receive an annual statement from us. The annual statement contains additional information you may need to complete your tax return, including calculating any capital gains or losses during the financial year.

Contact our customer support team if you have any questions about your tax statement through the Spaceship app, reply email or on 1300 049 532.


Email examples from prior years

  • 2019 tickets/16140 subject: Spaceship Voyager AMMA Statement
  • 2020 tickets/33598 subject: Spaceship Voyager AMMA Statement
  • 2021 tickets/58909 subject: Your 2020-21 tax statement
  • 2022 tickets/87995 subject: FY22 
  • 2023 tickets/117633 subject: FY23 tax statement 
    • correction t118025 subject Corrections to your FY23 tax statement
  • 2024 ticket 149754 subject: FY24 tax statement