
Please get staff to fill out the details below + fill out the pdf attachments below. Namely,

  1. Tax File Number (TFN) declaration
  2. Superannuation Standard Choice form (ATO one or your superfund's one titled PAY MY SUPER TO <superfund day>)
  3. Optional 
    1. Provide a letter from their education/employment job active provider and send a copy to us
    2. Letter of compliance

Staff detail

Make sure the staff's name MATCHES THEIR PASSPORT

QuestionsNew staff to answer
Full legal name per passport/ID. 
Last name in CAPITALS

Tax File Number (TFN)
If you DO NOT have one, apply for one here, otherwise, you will lose 50% of your net pay to the ATO, which you can claim back in your tax return.

Date of Birth
write the month in WORDS e.g. 01 January 1990

Home address
Street, Suburb, State, Post code

Email & mobile
Circle the one that describes you
  • Australian Resident for tax purpose
  • Foreign resident for tax purposes
  • A working holiday-maker
Do you want to claim the tax-free threshold? 
You can only claim this for 1 employer at a time. 
If you worked, or had worked for multiple employers from 1 July 20xx - 30 June 20yy, other than the 1st employer you claimed tax-free with, all other subsequent employers WILL HAVE TO be NO TAX-FREE. 
Once you work for 1 employer again, can you go back claiming the TAX-FREE
If you don't do this correctly, you may get a nasty tax debt at 30 June.
Yes / No
Do you have Student study debt?
e.g. Higher Education Loan Program (HELP),
VET Student Loan (VSL), Financial Supplmenet (FS),
Student Sart-up loan (SSL), Trade Support Loan (TSL)
Yes / No
Do you already have a superfund?Yes - continue to next question

No - employer will make you account with AustralianSuper
SuperFund Name & Product name as shown on your statement
e.g. AMP - Flexible Super

SuperFund ABN & USI
Ask your superfund or see your statement details

SuperFund Member number ID
Ask your superfund OR see your statement details

Employer/Business owner to disclose to their Accountant (us)

QuestionsBusiness owner to answer

Is the new staff either:     

  • full/part-time?

  • or casual?

What level classification are they per the FairWork? 
  • see Fairwork industry award
  • or describe their role. Could be CLERK

What is the date the staff first started working for you?
- ensure you fill this out on their timesheet.

- If they started a few weeks/months ago, we will need their time sheet so we can start preparing the prior payslips

Optional stuff to consider:

You can ask the new staff to go through some additional procedures such as:

  • Vaccination check;
  • Police check;
  • Minimum hours allowed to work as per their 
  • ensure they ARE NOT on workers compensation;
  • if the staff is on JobSeeker, JobMaker, JobActive, or TAFE/educational program, you will need these providers to send a formal letter/email to you (the business owner)

BSB, Account number, account name if paying by bank transfer
For 2020-2021 only Register for JobKeeper?
Yes / No